It’s Not Just Fun, It’s Good For You!

Sun’s out… well nearly, and cycling seasons in full swing. So let’s take advantage of the sunny weather, and free Cycle Together scheme, by getting on our bikes to pedal our way to health and happiness. 

“Cycling is not just an excellent form of exercise, it is also an opportunity to improve both physical and mental well-being and reduce the risk of life-threatening conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity,” said Dr Georgina Kirby “It is also a great form of active travel that can not only save you money but also reduce your carbon footprint. The Cycle Together scheme is all about promoting the benefits of this low-impact activity and making it accessible to people of all ages and abilities.”

By incorporating cycling into your everyday routine, whether you’re running the kids to school or commuting to work you’re getting a workout AND reducing your carbon footprint. Also, by doubling up on transport and working out, you can save yourself time and money compared with making a separate trip to the gym.


Moreover, cycling isn’t confined to the stereotypical image of lycra-clad enthusiasts (whom we also love FYI). With the availability of e-bikes and other flexible cycling options, not only do they make light of Frome’s hills, but they also make cycling more accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

“You don’t have to be an elite athlete to take up cycling and experience the benefits,” said Annabel Crooke. “Choosing the right bike for your ability and focusing on achievable goals means that everyone can enjoy this healthy and fun activity. And it is much cheaper and greener than travelling by public transport or car.”

Sustainability and Nature Connection

If you aren’t already persuaded by the health benefits and ease in which cycling can fit into your life, need we mention the connection with nature – the joy created as you pedal riverside, taking in the nature, listening to the birds sing as the wind whips through your hair, or, the opportunity to make friends and join a likeminded community… oh and did we mention, how much cheaper and greener cycling is compared to car travel and public transport!

Free service to get Frome cycling

Green and Healthy Frome doesn’t need any persuading. We are a National Lottery-funded project that has a remit to improve the health and sustainability of Frome and its residents. The Cycle Together project offers free services and resources, to help build a community around cycling and empower people to improve their confidence, and physical and mental health by joining the two-wheel revolution. 

Sounds good? Why not take advantage of Cycle Together’s FREE events and facilities, improve your confidence with a course or a one-off Adult Cycle Training, learn how to fix a puncture or mend your breaks with the Bike Maintenance Classes, or make friends and experience the countryside from a new perspective by joining a Group Bike Ride, suitable for all levels and experience. 

And for those put off by Frome’s many hills why not try an e-bike, using our free 4 x week e-bike loan, including accessories such as child trailers and seats, lock, lights, helmet, panniers and high vis clothing, everything you need to get started. The scheme also offers free bike maintenance sessions, where you can learn how to take care of and repair your bike, as well as safety checks from Dr Bike’s mechanics at a series of local events. These sessions will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions, connect with cycling groups, and discover local routes. 

So, come on Frome, join us as we journey towards a two-wheeled, healthy, more sustainable future. Let’s gear up, embrace the joy of cycling, peddling for positive change together! 

To book and find out more, go to:

PS: If you don’t believe us, read our Diary of a Novice e-biker –