Celebrating local food on Sat 2nd Nov from 10am – 2pm @ Cheese & Grain, Frome
Green and Healthy Frome will be at this year’s Pumpkin Day and Harvest Swap on Saturday, November 2nd, from 10 AM to 2 PM at Cheese & Grain in Frome. Come and chat to us about how gardening can improve your health, ways to enhance soil quality, and how we can support you on your journey to healthier eating.
Pumpkin Day, organised by Caroline Wajsblum from Frome Field 2 Fork, is Frome’s annual time to gather together, appreciate the abundance of homegrown produce from the year, share harvests and our knowledge. There will be market stalls, free kids activities, free talks and workshops and a community harvest swap, where you bring your homegrown treasures to swap and share with others. £3+ Adult Donation, Kids go FREE – profits support Frome Fork 2 Field land-based wellbeing sessions. Pre-booking of talks and workshops is recommended.

Community Harvest Swap
Bring your homegrown treasures (fruits, nuts, veggies, flowers, plants, seeds, and homemade preserves) to the Community Harvest Swap to Share and Swap with others!
Market Stalls
Check out wonderful stalls with Local Food and Nature Friendly Growing products and connect with some of the Community Food Projects that make Frome so special.
Free Kids Activities
Keep the kids entertained whilst they are also taking in a bit of serapticous learning with seasonal crafting and cooking delicious healthy treats.
FreeTalks and Workshops
Food for thought… book one of Pumpkin Day’s dynamic and thought-provoking talks and workshops. Bookings recommended.
- 10:30am Intro to Land based Living: Livelihoods & Legalities with Tasha Stevens-Vallecillo from Land, Food Medicine. In this introduction session Tasha will address some core aspects to land-based livelihoods, legalities for value adding and refined sugar free preserving safety to create nutrient dense products.
Land, Food and Medicine’s mission is to cultivate our sacred relationship with the earth, through research, learning and advocacy. They make and sell a product range based on medicinal agro-forestry, outdoor mushroom growing and foraging. They hold workshops, have a Tiny Wild Kitchen for community preserving and Make and Sell a Medicinal Product Range. www.landfoodmedicine.com
- 11:30am How to make your own natural fertilisers with Caroline Wajsblum from Frome Field 2 Fork CIC. Exploring a few different techniques to make your own natural fertilisers, transforming nutrient-rich ‘weeds’ into eco-friendly solutions to nourish your plants.
Caroline Wajsblum is an active figure in sustainability and local food initiatives in Frome. She is Co-Founder of The Frome Food Network and Frome Field 2 Fork CIC, a welcoming and inclusive community market garden within walking distance of Frome town centre, where people can connect with nature and each other, learn agroecological growing methods, gain healthy vegetarian cooking skills, and access affordable locally grown food. https://fromefield2fork.org/
- 1:00pm Pumpkin Pancakes: Family friendly cooking workshop with Veronique Segura from Mediterranean Table. Making delicious dairy free and gluten free Pumpkin Pancakes.
Veronique grew up in the south of France and spent her childhood in her grandad’s kitchen, cooking and tasting all sorts of food, foraging for mushrooms, leaves, and sometimes snails. About 10 years ago, she had to remove gluten from her diet; this pushed her to develop a new cooking style, and from then on, her interest in nutrition and the relationship between health and food began, as well as the impacts of environmental and financial barriers. Her mantra is, “constraints encourage creativity!”
The Mediterranean Table prepares fresh, home-cooked buffets inspired by the Mediterranean diet, for parties and business events. Specializing in vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free cuisine, and with a mission to share knowledge and experience through practical cooking classes, such as how to cook healthy meals on a budget or easy gluten-free meals. http://themediterraneantable.co.uk/
- 2:00pm – river/run Ecopoetry with Internationally acclaimed ecopoet Helen Moore exploring salmon, science and spirituality in her brand-new book!
Helen Moore is an internationally acclaimed ecopoet and Nature educator based in Dorset. She enjoys performing and discussing her work and is passionate about inspiring others to connect with their authentic creativity and wilder selves. Having communed with Atlantic Salmon in Scotland and collaborated with scientists researching river pollution, Helen’s latest book of ecopoetry, river/run, weaves together science and spirituality to explore both what is and what might be, if we so choose. www.helenmoorepoet.com
Frome Field 2 Fork
Event Organiser Caroline Wajsblum from Frome Field 2 Fork CIC said, ‘We’re really grateful for the support from Frome Town Council and the Frome Food Network to put on this event. It’s also wonderful to be in a venue like the Cheese and Grain which has been a central food and community hub since the 1800’s. This event is all about fostering a deeper connection between us and the food that we eat, encouraging regenerative practices, and supporting the well-being of our community. By bringing together local businesses, community food projects, and families, we aim to celebrate the richness of Frome’s vibrant food culture and inspire a stronger, more resilient future. We do hope you can join us!’
If you would like to volunteer at this event please contact fromefield2fork@gmail.com or 07857437608
Pre-booking talks and workshops recommended. https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/pumpkin-day-harvest-swap-2024-3693199