The Green & Healthy Future for Frome programme is reaching the end of its development phase. We are developing a bid for further lottery funding to continue, and expand, our activities here in Frome. We have outlined our plans and now invite you to share your thoughts.

“If we wait for governments it will be too late, if we act as individuals it will be too little, but if we act as communities it might just be enough…”

Rob Hopkins, Transition Towns

A Green & Healthy Future for Future for Frome is a unique partnership – consisting of Edventure: Frome, Frome Medical Practice and Frome Town Council – working together to achieve health and climate win-wins in our town. 

Over the past 18 months, the programme has been supporting people in the community to live green and healthy lives through various activities across six strands: Healthy Homes, Cycle Together, Choosing Wisely, Green Community Connectors, Future Shed and Storytelling. 

Our work is funded through the National Lottery Climate Action Fund. We are approaching the end of our two-year ‘development phase’ of our programme and now looking ahead to phase two. We are in the process of developing our bid to the Climate Action Fund, aiming to submit a grant application for a full award later in 2022, to deliver an expanded programme to run for three years from 2023 to 2026.

You can read more about our plans here.

We want to ensure the voices and perspectives of Frome are reflected in our full award bid so now is the chance to have your say! 

We invite you to read our consultation document and consider three questions: 

● What are your hopes for this project? 

● What are your concerns? 

● Is there anything missing in your view, in terms of partners / projects / people / activities? 

Answer these questions by filling in this short form

Closing date is Tuesday 13th September

For more detailed feedback or any questions, please contact our team: 

Edventure: Sue Palmer 

Frome Medical Practice: Charlotte Carson 

Frome Town Council: Nikki Brain

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